Mammoth Spring FCCLA
Our Chapters Leaders
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
In this section you get to meet our chapters officers.
Lauren Skaggs
Hobbies: Reading, Sleeping, and Watching Netflix
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Future Plans: Child Psychologist
Role and Duties: As president it is my duty to develop an agenda for each meeting, preside over chapter meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order, conduct meetings, create committees as needed, work cooperatively with other officers, members and committee chairs, and ensure responsibilities are followed through.
Anna Nicholson
Hobbies: Reading, Detailing, and Walking my dog
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Future Plans: An Educator
Roles and Duties: As co- president it is my duty to assist the president with developing an agenda for each meeting, preside over chapter meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order, conduct meetings, create committees as needed, work cooperatively with other officers, members and committee chairs, and ensure responsibilities are followed through.
First Vice President
Brynn Washam
Hobbies: Sports, Coloring, and Reading
Favorite Color: Purple
Future Plans: Dental Hygienist
Roles and Duties: As vice president, I will assume the president's responsibilities in the president’s absence, assist the president as needed, help keep meetings organized, work with other Vice Presidents and committees to carry out projects, responsibilities, and ensure that all chapter members are informed of all events and meetings.
Vice President of STAR Events
Kadence Guernsey
Hobbies: Watching TV, Relaxing, and Spending Time With My Friends
Favorite Color: Purple
Future Plans: Cosmetologist
Roles and Duties: As Vice-President of Star Events it is my duty to serve as a star event judge at districts and state competitions. I will keep chapter members informed of updated STAR Event information, assist chapter advisor, Mrs. Taylor, in completing STAR events forms and submitting them by the appointed deadlines.
Vice President of Social Media
Amanda Parker
Hobbies: Golf, Waking her Dogs, and Reading
Favorite Color: Kelly Green
Future Plans: Business Owner
Roles and Duties: As Vice President of Social Media it is my duty to gather information for press releases, write press releases and submit them in a timely manner to Mrs. Taylor. I will also take photos at events and assist Mrs. Taylor with posting items to the Mammoth Spring FCCLA Chapter Website, Facebook and Instagram pages.
Vice President of Parliament Procedure
Gavin Boddie
Hobbies: Playing Xbox, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Trap, and Golf
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Future Plans: Radiologist
Roles and Duties: As Vice-President of Parliamentary Law it is my duty to make sure meetings are conducted in accordance with acceptable parliamentary law and that Robert’s Rules of Order are followed.
Vice President of Fundraising
Laney Young
Hobbies: Playing Basketball, Softball, Track, and Playing With my Dog
Favorite Color: Light Purple
Future Plans: Undecided
Roles and Duties: As Vice President of fundraising it is my duty to organize and monitor fundraising drives, publicize fundraising events in both the school and community, recruit sponsors, participants, or volunteers for fundraising events.
Carmen Guernsey
Hobbies: Flag Line and Listening to Music
Favorite Color: Silver
Future Plans: Forensic Scientists
Roles and Duties: As Historian it is my duty to gather information for press releases, write press releases and submit them in a timely manner to Mrs. Taylor.
Vice President of Membership
Rice Nicholson
Hobbies: Basketball
Favorite Color: Blue
Future Plans: Successful
Roles and Duties: As Vice President of membership it is my duty to recruit new members. I also help collect membership dues and help plan membership recruitment activities throughout the year.
Vice President of Community Service
Braxton Sneed
Hobbies: Basketball, Outdoors, and Working
Favorite Color: Black
Future Plans: Pipeline
Roles and Duties: My duty as Vice President of community service is to promote chapter community service projects, coordinate committee chairs of various community service projects, organize and supervise community service-related projects, and contact other organizations who might assist the organization in achieving our project goals.
Vice President of Finance
Tay Davis
Hobbies: Basketball
Favorite Color: Blue
Future Plans: Athletic Trainer
Roles and Duties: As treasurer my duty is to keep accurate financial records, prepare a treasurer’s report for each business meeting, assist in collecting dues and any other transactions and write receipts.